Monday, February 8, 2010

WW Day 2

I do hope I find you in a calm, reflective mood after pondering about whales throughout the entire day, for that is how I find myself. I hope that you feel welcome enough to post your insights either as comments here or on the Facebook event page. As I share mine I desire reciprocation since whales need all of us as a collective.

Tuesday's activity is entails beginning to read the classic book Moby Dick by Herman Melville. This is now a yearly attempt for myself. It is a great adventure and study of behavior. As much of the plot is driven by the majesty of the great white whale, I feel it appropriate for this week's celebrations. I easily absorb the chapters describing seafaring and whaling since I constantly pursue an education in history and anthropology. If you can't manage the length or verbose style of the writing, Cliff's or Spark's notes should do just fine, especially since they passed as through years of secondary education.

As Whale Week is a catalyst for much anticipation for greatness, some participants have become overbearing in their requests for how to celebrate each day and for upcoming days. Let me remind you all that as the Chairman of the Committee for Whale Week Celebrations, I declare, in my own time, when and what will be the daily activities. However, your urgings have made clear to me that some of the activities must begin to be prepared in advance of a day's notice.

Some activities that currently will require time more than the day given for experiencing the activity will be Saturday and Sunday. Essentially they are conjoined (yeah, it's called a weekend, innovative, eh?) as "Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for Sunday." Explained thus: Sunday is the art show, somewhat of a "Reflections" with the them being whales. I give you Saturday to prepare for this (obviously if you're smart you could realize you have now until Sunday to do so). Saturday may also be used for baking as Sunday will also be the day for eating Whale Cake. Here is my recipe:

One Betty Crocker boxed chocolate cake baked in 8" or 9" round cake pans
One container of vanilla frosting
One package of Blue Raspberry Jello

Bake the cake, let cool, then cut one pan of cake in half then half one of those hallves. The half piece becomes the flukes and the quarter pieces are the flippers (yes, it really looks like a fish with a flipper and a dorsal fin, but it's Whale Week not Fish week, so there). Frost the cake then sprinkle the jello over the frosted cake to create a blue skinned whale. You win!

You may adjust how you like. Some people don't like the flavoring (or idea) of the jello. Be creative. Whale Week is about how you create a harmony with whales. This is your self-realization.

Happy Whale Week!

1 comment:

  1. I realize that the title induces similarities to the words 'world war.' I apologize for that accident; however, I feel no need to correct it. I will dispel any extrapolation to the idea that the harm to whales is like either of the World Wars. That would be more than an exaggeration. Thank you for your consideration.
