Thursday, February 11, 2010

Whale Week Friday

Keep those whale tunes in your head, you'll need them for Friday's activity. You are asked to go swimming and imitate a whale by using sonar location. Okay, since you don't have quite the receptacle to translate sound waves into human communication, just mimic them like Dori (though she actually was versed in many dialects of baleen and toothed whales) while flopping around in the water.

You may think "how can I head out to Utah Lake or the Great Salt Lake or any of the reservoirs around (that around line was for people not along the Wasatch front)?" Well, you could make it to a gym or recreation center for a membership or cheap one time use fee. Or do as you all ready do and belt the oceanic lyrics out in your morning, or nightly, wash in the shower or bath tub.

Also remember to get your right brain unlocked for the art creations of Saturday to be displayed Sunday.

Keep Whale Weekin'!

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