Friday, July 22, 2011

The Blockbuster Link

My sisters and I have teased our father for the multiple times he watches the same weekend movies on television. We've titled them his 'Fave 5' (from the comical T-mobile promo commercialed by Dwayne Wade and Charles Barkley). This small list is dynamic but usually contains "Sahara," "Paycheck," "Rio Bravo" (or "El Dorado", it's the same story), something with Clint Eastwood and something with Denzel Washington.

One of the movies in my 'Fave 5' is "V for Vendetta." I haven't read the graphic novel on which this movie is based, but the social commentary on government, the lovely Natalie Portman (only recently surpassed on my ranking of Lovely people by Emma Watson) and the 1812 Overture should have helped to lessen Alan Moore's disgust with the adaptation (though they don't).

The directors of "V" also directed a film I recently caught (thrice) on television. It is my favorite sci-fi movie, "The Matrix." I do not believe that I have spent much time on the theme of existentialism. I know of the comparison of Neo to Christ. I just enjoy the movie for great action (like the Lobby scene) and a unique setting for a redemptive-hero plot.

As a person who spends much time in the fantasy of J.R.R. Tolkien, I also watch any of the Peter Jackson "Lord of the Rings" movies any chance I get. I also recently viewed (yeah I should watch less entertainment on the tube) the scenes in "The Fellowship of the Ring" that take place in Rivendell before the nine set off for Mordor. I began to think about these three movies, why I like them and what makes them great.

It isn't the great screenplay writing, it isn't the spectacular graphic enhancement, it could only be Hugo Weaving. V. Agent Smith. Elrond.

Does this mean that "Captain America: The First Avenger" will be a more amazing super hero movie than "The Dark Knight"?

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